Monday, November 17, 2008

What To Do????

So we are a working family now. We all get up early(except "The Soup King"). The little ones go to school and the adults go to "The Soup King". The little ones come home from school and go to "The Soup King". Everyone does everything. We all work together. In fact, they even argue over who is going to get to do what job for the day. No one has really complained, except one. Our 13 year old boy is not happy about this working thing......"Is this all we are going to do now", the boy asks. Mother responds, "Why yes, son. This is what it is like to be an adult, you work almost everyday." The boy is not happy. I guess he falls into that stereo type for today's generation of "give me what I want but don't make me work for it." Well, he is in for a lot of surprises! "The Soup King" wants all of his little ones to know and experience what "hard work" is, it will help them appreciate life around them. Trust me, we don't always like coming home smelling like soup but it really isn't that bad. We meet new people, we learn new things, its fun. Well it is if you make it fun. I think it should be that way with any job. It is what you make it.

I do have to say that after all the baking and running I am looking forward to my journey home for Turkey Day! We are venturing home with five dogs and four children. I am delivering puppies to my nephew who has asked for a dog since the age of three! His mother has finally won that battle! The other puppies are for a friend and of course we have our own precious "Dollar" to travel with us. We are not sure if the cat is up for the trip yet. "The Soup King" is not happy about my scheduled departure. He will remain in Sarasota with "The Boy", working and turning out more soups. "Grammy" (The Soup King's" mother will be here with them to help work and to help celebrate Turkey Day. They should be just fine! Besides, I miss my "Daddy" and the rest of my family!!!

Back to the soups! "The Soup King" will be making his Lentil soup for this weeks special! Should be yummy! Remember to ask for a taste of everything we have to offer, then again it might make your choice a little harder! Please keep the suggestion coming for soups that you would like to taste. We love trying something new.

Monday brings the beginning of our second week and i am eager to see what we will encounter! I'm sure it will be a lot of smiling faces and full bellies! I will keep you posted!

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