Thursday, June 10, 2010

This Should Just Be Easy....

So yes the lease is signed. We were supposed to take possession of the two stores on June 1st. The current tenant has yet to move out. Of course there is drama between "Big Brother" and "The Soup King" over how to design the store. I think that they should both keep their ideas to themselves and just listen to me for once.LOL...Anyway, we are off to a slow and bumpy start but like all great rides, what a way to start!

"The Little Ones" are anxious to get mom back to work....yes I cannot wait...I am going stir crazy at home. We have a new addition to our home, his name is "Thor"....yes he will be very big! So cute, love the puppy.

Stay tuned for the next update. Let's hope that by next week are plans are done and permits are applied for so we can begin construction....Say a little prayer as well we have a few friends in great need so when you talk to your "Greater Power" ask him to keep our little friend and our old friend in his good soon!