Monday, December 29, 2008

Enjoying the Holidays!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are at home with our family once again! "The Soup King" is working as usual.....I'm not really sure what the specials are this week, we have been playing way too much up here in PA. The weather is great, a nice 55 to 60 degrees. I like it nice and cool. The little ones are enjoying their cousins and friends that they miss so much. We had planned to venture back to the Sunshine State in time for New Year's Eve but the little ones would like just a few more days with their friends and family. We had hoped that "The Soup King" would join us for Christmas Day but the hustle and bustle of the season and stress at the airports kept him in his happy place. We missed him!

Sounds like the store is getting along just fine without me so I guess this means that I don't have to be there very often!!!! There are some who love that idea(hee-hee). The season has slowed us down just a bit, especially before we left for our journey. I am sure things will pick up after the first of the year. So from all of us at "The Soup King" to all of you we wish you the best of the holidays and a very Happy New Year!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Let's Be Nice.....

"The Soup King" was not happy with the review he received and has called the critic out....The editor and critic of the Creative Loafing have not taken to kindly to his actions. They have made statements that we are "Crying Foul" and not hearing constructive criticism. The bottom line is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I will accept all of the info and opinions that I receive from our repeat guests. We have many individuals who visit us at least three times a week and offer wonderful compliments. Even when a guest will make a suggestion about things we do take them to heart and try to adjust if necessary. I am not a judgemental individual but this critic was just not nice! I hope that "The Soup King" just lets go of his silly statements and continues to make great soups for all to enjoy. When the critic takes a risk as big as "The Soup King" has with his new beginning then we can compare notes! If you want to voice your opinion feel free to go to

Now that I am done with that issue......Today was busy again...I am prepping for another trip back home with all of the little ones for the holidays. We can't wait to see Bubba and Trixie, (the puppies we delivered at Turkey day), and of course the rest of my family. Christmas is approaching quickly and we are still unprepared.

Drama in the kitchen of course happens all of the time. We have it a few bumps in the road but worked them out relatively fast. Too many women in one kitchen never makes for a good batch....If we could just tell all! The new guy,"Muscle Guy" is working out great and it looks like he will be running the show once "The Soup King" makes his move to a second location. It feels so good to find someone that you can trust, depend on, and even enjoy their company! I think we will keep him! The little ones agree, they want to adopt him!

The Asian Shrimp is moving quickly so if you want a taste you need to shake a tail feather and get here fast! Our city men loved the Zesty Navy Bean too! Come know you want to try something different!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What in the World??????

"The Soup King" is still moving forward on a positive note even after letting one of our team members go. Unfortunately our delivery person was not working out. On top of that we have received our first formal review this week from the Creative Loafing. The gentleman who printed the review was not kind to our new establishment. He offered many negative comments about our soups without any truth. I would like to know if the gentleman actually ate multiple meals or just based his opinions on samples......I am not sure of his protocol but I do not feel that he was fair in his many statements. The best part about the whole thing is that the Creative Loafing still wanted us to advertise in their paper....No Thank You! We will try the Harold Tribune. Maybe they will be a little nicer to their patrons.

We did receive some great information from one of our repeat guests....A realtor who visits us frequently told us that she mentioned us in her monthly news letter. She wanted everyone to know that if they had not stopped in to visit us yet they were missing out on something great!!!! Thank you to our Remax Alliance 2000 Agent!

"The Soup King" has created a wonderful special this week, Asian Shrimp with Rice Noodles. It smells yummy and looks yummy!!!!!! He has also created a "Zesty" Navy Bean Soup with Bacon. The Boy loved it!!!!! So come on in and give them both a try!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you....

Monday, December 8, 2008

"The Soup King" is Away and We Will Play!!

So "The Soup King" left us on Sunday to take care of work in Philadelphia......The day was reasonable for the most part. The boy had soccer and then ended up at the store all day! He was not a happy camper.

The day moved along well with a steady flow. The new staff is working out well. Out "Muscle Guy" offers great insight and is ready to run the show for when "The Soup King" moves on to the next location.

We have also added two new young faces to our team. They offer a great sense of energy and greet you with a smile. Let's hope they enjoy their time with us and stay on!!!!

Our special this week is Chicken Corn Chowder. It seems to be going over very well. I think that Pasta Fagoli maybe next. We have had multiple requests for that one. Watch and see....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Vacation is over!

Well, we have returned and are back to work right away...Baking began first thing this morning! ow the task is to make the changes with the register since "The Soup King" made some changes to his menu. Yes! Broccoli and Cheddar has arrived as our new regular. The requests were so great that "The Soup King" could not let his guests go unanswered. Keep the requests coming so we can keep you guessing.

The little ones are a little worried about returning to work just because they enjoyed their break and are counting down to the next one! The two very little ones are excited to decorate for the holidays! They had a great time decorating Grandpop's house! By the weekend all will get to enjoy their festive nature. Til the next note!!!! Keep warm and healthy!