Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Thank you to all who have served to defend this great country of ours! Today we remember all of those who lost their lives to defend our freedom and those who continue to serve in order to preserve what those who served before them have won for us! I know that in PA my father has is flag at half mast in remembrance of those lost......My father is very patriotic..flags and eagles are everywhere in his house. I think that he would have been a military man if he had not met my mother. All three of his brothers were in the military. My mom asked him to stay, so he did, and now here we are.......

I am already thinking about what needs to be done this week....Split Pea, Gumbo, Vegetable soup!!!! Chili is done....Chicken Noodle is done.....Tomato Basil too....I told you cooking was unbelievable last week! Work, work, work! The store has been busy....even the sandwiches are moving along nicely. I am working on a mac-n-cheese for the little ones that visit us. I know that my "Little Ones" are not big soup fans so I am sure that there are a few little people out there who share their views on soup. Once we do that children won't mind stopping in with mom and dad for a bite to eat. Hopefully by Thursday I will have it ready!

We spent most of the weekend just hanging out. "The Soup King" went to Key West at the end of last week for bid meetings....Keep your fingers crossed! We cooked and ate all weekend....We even built a small fort for "Frick and Frack" in the yard! They love to climb!

Hope to see some of you this week........keep your suggestions coming! We are always interested! I will keep you posted on the new soup of the week once I chat with "The Soup King"....have a great day off!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

What A Week!!!

Rain Rain....Come Again! Business has been crazy! The weather definitely worked in our favor this week. I have made more soup in the last week than I have in my entire life...granted, I just started cooking the soups so I guess that doesn't really count. Unfortunately for my niece and her friend the weather did not cooperate. They were in from PA to play in the sun but they only got two days of sun!! I guess she needs to plan another trip to visit me!

I must say that we have met some great people this week. Friendly, interesting, and just a pleasure to serve. I love to hear about people and their lives! Planning babies, moving, new jobs....all with a smile and a positive outlook. It makes all of the stress worth wild!

Our Beef Vegetable, one of our specials has moved quickly. My only problem with that is I am not sure if "Muscle Guy" and "The Soup King" ate it all or if we sold it! The Chicken Corn Chowder must be a good one for winter.....of course we do have some followers for that one!

I have finally reorganized the entire store...Its funny how things get done when you just buckle down and move! I think that I have one more closet to do...maybe I will make "Muscle Guy" do that one! Now all of the paperwork is calling my name.

All of the "Little Ones" worked with me tonight. It was fun but stressful at the same time. "Frick and Frack" are tough because they get bored very quickly. "The Boy" did a great job scrubbing dishes and helping out tonight. "Drama" was in a bit of a mood but that is just a normal week day for her. "Little Miss Responsible" has been in good spirits for the last few days, even when she is at the store. "The Soup King" was off to Key West for the last two days working on his construction business.

"Muscle Guy" has been distracted all week. I think he found a new love to occupy his time with!! Love is grand when it is new!!!!

"The Soup King" and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary this month. Who knew that even with not one thing in common we would still be together! I must love him, I followed him to Florida!!!!! "Drama" had her birthday last weekend which was very eventful. She threw herself a birthday party. Give her the chance to plan and she runs with it! Seven little girls for a sleep over was just fantastic!

I can't wait to make more changes at the store. I want to bring in a sofa for guests to kick back on while they wait for their food.....I want to get movies up and going ....The food network can only work for so long!!! Change is good People!!! Let's do it!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It Is Sad To Say That "Grammy" Has Gone On Her Way!

Well, the on going drama between "Muscle Guy" and "Grammy" has finally come to a head! For some unknown reason she has never liked "Muscle Guy". We have had a few employees that she has helped out the door since we opened. Unfortunately for her it didn't work this time. "Grammy", "The Soup King's" mother, did come to help us out with the store, and I thought with "The Little Ones" as well. Things always sound good in theory but when put to the test sometimes fail miserably! When we began our adventure to Sarasota we invited her and her husband to come stay with us here and there....and even offered that when necessary they could live with us. Who knew that "when necessary" was now. Don't get me wrong I thought it would be great. We have had our differences in the past but thought that they were behind us. I guess a mother never wants to let go of her son, I still am on the outs...That's fine with me....I can be difficult if I want to and sometimes I was just because. So back to the drama at hand.....Where to begin...

"The Boy" always had in site to offer us on what was said when we weren't around so one day he decided to share that "Grammy" felt that we all needed babysitters, and we weren't very productive....Please don't forget that "Grammy" and "Muscle Guy" never really saw eye to eye. One day "Grammy" would be really nice and social with everyone and the next she wouldn't speak to anyone. Everyone felt that they had to walk on eggshells around her, even me!!! We want to have fun and enjoy our work everyday. That was not how it worked out. Finally, after "The Boy" shared his info "Muscle Guy" decided that he would play her game. He was polite and courteous long enough. "Grammy" would make comments, "Muscle Guy" would make comments right back.....The straw that broke the camel's back had to be when all of us, even "Fire Chick" were joking around about being a baby and needing a babysitter. As we are all laughing, from the kitchen comes, "Oh just shut up already!". Very surprised the answer back was, "no one is talking to you, I would like to tell you to shut up but I don't. Stay in the kitchen, no one is talking to you, you are so nasty!" Well, all is fair in love and war!!!

At that point "Fire Chick" thought that "Muscle Guy" was speaking to her and our guest at the register let her no, "Oh no, that was definitely aimed at the kitchen." "Oh good" was her response. She was relieved. Personally, I really just figured it was another week day of the same old drama.

To my surprise "Grammy" asked to see me. She proceeded to let me know that she would not be working with us any more because she would not work with "Muscle Guy" anymore. She went on with a list of complaints to why she could not work with him....of course there were implied comments that I was responsible for some of "Muscle Guy's" comments that were made to her. Again, really not a concern for me. So, at this point I am thinking to myself, "is she expecting me to beg her to stay, does she think that I am going to choose between her and him?", it was just interesting. I stood guietly in front of her as she pleaded her case. When she was done, my response was , "Ok, do what you feel you have to do."

We can not forget that she did cook 90% of the time and went in early to make things easier for us but not an unmanagable scenario. I think that she believes that we could not manage without her. "The Soup King's" belief is that everyone is replaceable. SO......

"Grammy" left for the day after that,so we thought. Little did I know the drama unfolding outside the store. "Muscle Guy" was on a break outside and as she was leaving she decided to yell at him from her car. "Grammy" said things that weren't nice but "Muscle Guy" with a smile let her know that anything she could say to try and hurt him did not matter...she meant nothing to him....and his final comment that helped her leave the state the next day was , "at least I don't take advantage of my family". "Grammy" was very upset about that comment and intepreted it the wrong way. It was a comment made from his own personal opinion....his own observations. Her husband flew in the next day, she left and never even said good bye to her grandchildren.

Needless to say, yes it is ashame that things worked out this way but people don't change. We can change someone's environment but the personality traits will always remain...It was sad that she left the way she did but we can't change that now. Her time and efforts were greatly appreciated even though it may not be felt that way.

So we are cooking away and ording just fine. We really haven't missed a beat with getting things done.."Muscle Guy" and I made three soups on Thursday, 2 on Friday, Monday 2 more, Tuesday 3, and Wednesday 3...Today we only needed one. We even made two specials this week, Beef Vegetable and Chicken Corn Chowder. Who knew he could cook too! We are working well together as a team with "The Soup King"!

I finally did an inventory of our supplies...we are reorganizing and cleaning up. We are all having fun. "Fire Chick" can't believe how fast we get done in the morning. Things always move faster when we work together. Our young guy who has been with us for a awhile feels the same way. He needs a nick name...he comes in with our"Back Up". We even have some one new who is willing to go outside and wave our guests in!!! This week has been full of fun and excitement.

We are looking forward to the weekend, my niece is coming in from Pa with a friend for the week! We have lots of fun planned this weekend. It is "Drama's" birthday so we will go to the beach then have a cook out back at the house...Of course our Soup King Family will be there as well....

Our Strawberry soup is all gone! It is a keeper for the summer...So, come on in...we are now offering a senior discount, just ask and we will fill you in!! Family Fun Night will start in June...keep your eyes and ears open for that fun info....We are even palnning for more ammenities outside the store to help entertain our guests. Check in soon!!! Come on in and have some fun with us!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend Fun!!!!

"The Soup King" hosted a little cookout this weekend for "Fire Chick" and her family, "Muscle Guy", "Grammy", and the neighbors. It was light and fun. We chatted about things and of course ate lots of food! That's what the weekends are for, right?

Earlier in the morning "Muscle Guy" meet me at the gym to give me a run down on exercise machines and what to do and what not to do in order to get in shape! I could hardly remember everything he told me! I tried.....I did all kinds of leg machines and free weights for my arms! I hope to be rockin' by mid summer......(that's what happens when you get a late start!)

Things have been a little quiet around the store but I hear that it is that way all over. I keep praying for things to turn around for everyone!!!! It is very sad to see people struggling to make ends meet! We are working on some fun ideas to help everyone out in that area. A reasonable way to promote business but to help your wallet too.... I like to play fair!

The Strawberry Soup has come and gone and a second batch was made today! Fresh yummy strawberries, it smells so good when being made! Don't forget that there is a touch of wine in it so be aware when serving your little ones! I am not sure what the special soup of the week will be yet but I am sure "The Soup King" has something up his sleeve!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Where Have I been?

Life has been very busy over the last two months that I haven't had time to update everyone on the drama at the Soup King! Just kidding, things are all good at the store. Easter came and went very quickly. "The Soup King" has been working on his signature sandwiches which has been going well so far. He has also been working on some cold soups for the hot weather. He has made a very yummy Strawberry Soup with Blueberries and a funky Gazpacho. (I haven't tasted that one yet!) I am sure that he will have a lot more to offer has the weather gets hotter!

The "Little Ones" have been very busy...My nephew flew in for Easter and spent ten days with us. We had so much fun playing in the water and visiting Disney! Little Miss Responsible" was excited that she got to fly back to PA with her cousin a week ahead of our trip. She spent alot of time with her aunts and cousins!! We ventured back north for Confirmation for one of my nephews and my "Frik" portion of "Frik and Frak" made his First Holy Communion. It was awesome to see everyone! I miss them all so much! The drive to PA was not so hot though, we hit alot of traffic in Georgia which took forever! That made an 18 hour drive turn into 22 hours! Needless to say that I was tired when I arrived. It was nice to arrive to my "Soup King" though! Yes, we both were away at the same time!

So the adventure began when "The Soup King" left the week prior to me to go to Kentucky for his construction business! Yes, I was left again without the "King!" Grammy was here and the rest of the crew....Monday, the 20th they were left without both of us! "Muscle Guy" had lots of fun with the women for the day! After his adventure was done in Kentucky he flew home to PA to prep our house for the new people! We met up there! He returned to Sarasota on Monday and was back at the store for Tuesday! We had such a good time in PA it was hard to return.....

Back to the store! We are working on some fun ideas to spruce up our guests!!! We are looking into a "Family Fun Night"....we haven't worked out all of the details but within the next week I should have them done! We are offering a 10% discount to hospital employees and our wonderful Police force! We are open to suggestion if anyone has any to offer! I guess this is a pretty good update for now. Back to the grind of getting things done for me!!! See you soon!