Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still Away??

Our trip is still at a very high pace! We are visiting with cousins and friends and enjoying every minute of it!!! Returning to school so soon is not something that any of us are looking forward to! We are excited that as we return to Sarasota my sister in-law and my two nephews will be driving back with us! We get an extra five days of family!!!!!! YEAH!!!! Our third week is just about over and we still have so much to do! The "Little Ones" really miss their own house up here! Staying at Grandpop's is great for me but they want their old rooms back......Oh well, maybe in another year or so!

"The Soup King" is still working hard on new soups.....Cream of Onion is one of his newer features! I still like the originals! Well after I touch base with "The Soup King" I will give you a heads up on next weeks specials! Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Philadelphia Fabulous!

We are home and loving it! Yes, it would be more fun with "the Soup King" here too but we can't have everything. The store is doing okay...we are not do back until mid August. Tomorrow will bring us a new baby to the family and we can't wait! The last week has been full of family fun....parties, baseball games...just fun stuff!

So yesterday was "Little Miss Responsible's" birthday! Yes 15 already.....The whole driving thing scares me. I guess "The Soup King" will have to take care of the driving lessons. I will do the prom thing...Oh he is good at that stuff too. We may have to flip for it! Over all she had a great day. She was just happy to be back in her hometown even if she didn't hear from everyone!

"The Soup King" has five new soups that will be making an appearance soon..I am still interested in finding a good location in PA!!! It is a working progress. Everything is always up for negotiation!

So the "Little Ones" and I just wanted to say hello.....we will keep you posted on our activities....I may actually make it to the Liberty Bell with them before we had back to Sarasota!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!!!!!

The time has come for all of us but "The Soup King" to venture home!!!!! Today is my father's birthday and the goal was to be back in PA for this day....Unfortunately I am worried about leaving the store. I guess I really do like working and getting things done! I think we are going to miss the neighbors too! We love hanging out with them, they have great "karma"! The family is getting anxious for our return. Both sisters and my sister-in-law have called to find out our estimated date of departure. It feels good to know that we are missed so much!

"The Soup King" will be hanging back in Sarasota working on multiple projects. I am hoping that he starts with the new marketing idea that we have been given!!! Wait and is so cool! I can't spill the beans yet but hopefully by Labor Day we will have it out in full force. The week before the 4Th of July was busy which is always nice..The "Little Ones" have been working very hard at the store so I am sure they are looking forward to a rest! I started a "myspace" for the store. It is very cool...lots of pictures and tunes on it to really let you know who we are as a family!

This week was busy for me! We knocked three cream based soups and a broth in one day! I think it is so cool to watch the soups just "bam!" come together! I like that I know most of the recipes without looking......we have fun. "Comic Boy" comes in early and we jam out to tunes like The Beatles then moves fast when you have fun! "Muscle Guy" is back to his old self banging work out and keeping the place looking spiffy. "Little Miss Responsible" has been at the house getting things ready for our and prepping. "Drama" and "The Boy" have been at the store for the most part over the last week and a half. Its always fun when they start to argue over silly things! "Frick and Frack" just keep reminding me that we should be on the road already!

So, the Mac-N-Cheese is awesome! Just right! The taste is just really good....Very cheese, the macaroni is just right too.....Come on you know you want to try some!!!!!! Come in, just a bite! The $5.00 lunch deal is working out well. We keep seeing new faces, some familiar but new faces too! That is always good....I guess that means the word is getting around some how!

I can't wait to see what "The Soup King" has up his sleeve for next week. I think there will be some surprises to try..... He loves to eat!!!

We will be putting an awning up with more outdoor seating come the fall. We are working on better seating for in the store as well. I really want to make it comfy for everyone. I will keep you posted on our journey. Stop in and see "The Soup King", he will be lonely for a couple of weeks! Have a great one, then have some soup!