Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We Have A Special...

We have made some progress...We have Chicken Corn Chowder as a special right now...If I am lucky I can rock out Butter Nut Squash for Friday. And yes, still trying to keep up with the demand for soup!!! In one pot, out of the other, in another pot, and sometimes three going at once!! Its a little crazy, but a good crazy I guess....So yes we are a little tired but it seems to be working out. "Big Brother" is hanging tough with all of these mad hours that we are putting in and we are starting to come up with some cool nick names for everyone! Loving that!

We have this cute, quiet girl on the register...she is so sweet and just all around nice. Well, her new name is "Zinger"..She cracks me up. We can start chatting about something and someone will make a wise crack and then out of no where comes a "Zinger" of a crack from her...yes that is how she got her new name! Our "Griddle Girl" needs a cool name. She is fun and always full of positive energy which is a great compliment to all of us..No we are not always nice to each other, well at least me and "Big Brother" aren't always nice to each other. I don't think he feels loved unless he gets is daily, "your an idiot" comment from me. Its all said with love, no worries. We also have a young man who has joined our team, we call him "Skywalker"...just because we can and we like it...My niece, well everyone wants to call her "Sarg" because she keeps everyone in line....The jury is still out on that one, I like "Chickie". My nephew who works the griddle, we call him "Crash" but I think that I mentioned that already. We work so much that I forget what I have talked about lately. lol

The family is holding down the fort while I am gone all day....and I mean all day...430am to at least 830pm....Crazy! "The Soup King" has been doing the wash and I came home to a cleaned kitchen tonight, it was great! I knew I would get him to clean one way or another. Now if he would just do the bathrooms!!!

So I am off to bed so I can rise ever so early to make the soup...We feel like that donut guy on the commercials from years ago....time to make the soup......

Stop in and check us out...we even have WiFi at the store!!! See ya soon! Stay warm.....

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