Friday, October 16, 2009

Weekend....What? Where?

So today was a busy day...lots of deliveries for now. "Muscle Guy" was not a happy camper but he took care of business anyway. "The Soup King" was out and about as well. "Party Boy" was shakin' things up in house with his dancing and singing again. We enjoyed Hairspray today....Of course Empire Records is still my favorite but we have to change things up a bit.

We made Beef Barley and it moved very quickly today. In fact all of the soups moved quickly. I guess the rain clouds worked in our favor today. Tomorrow brings more cooking....I think maybe three or four soups. I think I just want to stay in bed though. Maybe "The King" himself will have to rock it out on his own for this weekend. I need to catch up around the house.

"The Little Ones" are all hanging out...doing what they do...So Halloween is creeping up on us and so is my concert! My "Zen"(the neighbor) and I are going to see Boys II Men!! We can't wait...we need to shop for some bling so we can sing and dance like we were young and fun again!!!! We both even know all of the words to pretty much all of the songs.....It should be a blast! I will give you all the news on that after the show!

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