Friday, September 25, 2009


I am back in my hometown again!!! Happy Happy Joy Joy!!The weather is beautiful. Warm but a nice breeze and no humidity!!! It feels so good to be home...So, "Muscle Guy" and "One Way" will be caring for the store while I am away. Hopefully they will fight nice and not make too much of a mess.

We are checking on the price of strawberries. If they are reasonable we will have cold Strawberry Soup next week. I also believe that a "Beef" broth will be made and utilized in some surprises next week too!

"Little Miss Responsible" is still at school but I can't wait to see her! Of course I miss the rest of my "Little Ones" already.......Hopefully this bouncing thing will be over come this summer!

Well, I need to check on my big sister who is still in the hospital but hopefully coming home today! I will keep you posted on what's next!

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