Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Been Interesting!

So its been about a week since my last hello....Things are still crazy..looks like Tuesday is our "slammin'" day. "Zinger" returns today. Yesterday "Drama" was off from school so she came in and worked all day. I'm tired just thinking about it!

Things have been a little off the wall at the store...We have cooked all kinds of specials...
we have new people in the family...We are still working on nick names for a few people..We have the food vendors going back and forth to try and win our business...just crazy stuff.

Where to begin is the ultimate question. The credit cards are up and running finally! We are ordering new shirts and hoodies....Time to plan the grand opening! We are working on the advertising and scheduling for the grand opening. We want to one be prepared, two have fun stuff set up for the entire week!

So "Zinger" is back in the house....but "Griddle Girl", aka "Trouble" has been out all week and we miss her very much! We have acquired a new family member....She is very cool and is pretty quick at cranking out the sandwiches...She calls everyone "mommy" which makes me laugh every time she says it! A nick name for her still leaves me lost....Maybe by tomorrow we can work one out! Our delivery guy, well we have been working on a name for him and I'm stumped....he is a baseball player and sometimes goofy...He gets called "Dunder head" here and there through out the day...yes, it is said with love!!! Our tech student is the help in the kitchen...helps me prep and he is fun to work with as well...just call him "KB" when you see him...he will laugh!

"Big Brother" is picking up the pace and finally catching his groove out front. Are we perfect yet, maybe not but we are trying really hard to get it right for everyone! Our sister ahs been working on getting our website done and new shirts in the store...she just keeps us all in line! It is awesome!

I will work on more info for everyone....I need to hit the pillow....this morning stuff is catching up to me! Stop in and try our Beef Veggie, Beef Stew, Texas Chili, or our Cream of Chicken...yes with no mushrooms!!!! See ya soon!!!!

1 comment:

starcircl said...

I was excited to find your blog online since my brother alerted me to the opening of your store a little while ago. ^_^

Do you have an actual website for those of us who would want to look over your menu?

I've heard rave reviews so far of your soups and bagels and am looking forward to trying them out myself. Good luck!


Lisa Mikkelsen