Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get to the Floor!

We have ventured on to installing the floor! When I saw we, I mean everyone!! "Big Brother", "The Soup King" himself, "Survivor Woman" even got her hands dirty today. Yes, I was helping and of course so was my Daddy!! We made a lot of progress. We are half way through the kitchen area. 2400 square feet is a lot of tile to install and grout!! I think our target date for opening is going to be moved back to two weeks after Turkey day. We have to wait on work to be completed by a few other contractors before we can schedule inspections. Let's hope they move quickly!!!

Either way we are all very excited. A private party is being planned for December...Keep your eyes and ears peeled because if you want to come you have to find the secret word to get you in....It could be any where...On the blog...at the store...on Facebook or on the fan page....just a little something to keep you guessing!!! Keep your eyes open!!!

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