Friday, October 22, 2010

Rocking Out The Store!!!

We are moving along with a nice positive flow! The perimeter is rocked. The framing is just about complete. It actually looked like something now! We need to complete the rough plumbing and rough electrical work then we can get another inspection...We are getting close. I am so excited to paint and get the floor tile complete! We even have an area for a small sofa and coffee table! My favorite part!

"The Soup King" is moving fast....he has other construction work that is about to begin. Let's hope we can get everything done by our target date! I really want to open the second week in November with our slammin' grand opening starting on December 1st!

An old friend stopped in today to say hello. It was a nice surprise. "The Soup King" was happy to see his face today and hopes to see him again in the future! We are so excited to get our doors open...Keep your fingers crossed that everything keeps moving along smoothly!! I will keep you posted!

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