Friday, August 29, 2008


So not only did the "The Soup King" make a fabulous chicken noodle soup but he made an amazing split pea soup with ham! It was unbelievable. Now if we could just get all of the little people that we live with to like soup! We can't even get half of them to taste the soups!!! So it was soup for dinner that night!

Today I was roped into laying concrete with "The Soup King". I told him that the only labor that I should have to perform was in the delivery room! It worked out though! It proved that I am definitely out of shape and need a personal trainer!!! Maybe "The Soup King" will see fit to get me one for a job well done. Now that the plumbers are done their work we can move on to framing and setting up the electricians. We are looking at a four week window!!! "The Soup King" would like to be up and running by September 29th! I guess we can start the count down!

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