Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Philadelphia Fabulous!

We are home and loving it! Yes, it would be more fun with "the Soup King" here too but we can't have everything. The store is doing okay...we are not do back until mid August. Tomorrow will bring us a new baby to the family and we can't wait! The last week has been full of family fun....parties, baseball games...just fun stuff!

So yesterday was "Little Miss Responsible's" birthday! Yes 15 already.....The whole driving thing scares me. I guess "The Soup King" will have to take care of the driving lessons. I will do the prom thing...Oh he is good at that stuff too. We may have to flip for it! Over all she had a great day. She was just happy to be back in her hometown even if she didn't hear from everyone!

"The Soup King" has five new soups that will be making an appearance soon..I am still interested in finding a good location in PA!!! It is a working progress. Everything is always up for negotiation!

So the "Little Ones" and I just wanted to say hello.....we will keep you posted on our activities....I may actually make it to the Liberty Bell with them before we had back to Sarasota!

1 comment:

biketheak said...

Glad to see you haven't completely forsaken this old city.
get over to south philly, the mexican food has popped up out of nowhere and some of its pretty good.

been spending too much time on my website.. its still a little rough..
happy trails