Monday, August 15, 2011

Can we just move on from the drama already?

We have Apple, Carrot Celery Soup this week...something new to try for the end of summer. I will be making Crab soup again this week...we had a few requests for it at lunch today.....

Things are picking up around the store. Our website is finally up and running! You can find us at either or at . Both will give you our menu, our store hours, and some info about us! It looks great...Thanks to my friend Bill MacAdams!!!! We still have lots of menus going out in the mail..keep your eyes open for them...lots of coupons to use!!!

So high school drama has not escaped me...I thought that once I grew up and had my own family that drama would be behind me. Of course not. Girls, old or young are all the same. Catty and mean and never know how to move on or let things die....We have had drama for sometime over in-house dating, which is against store policy, the hickey issue....ugh really? Now the threat of retaliation...Come on...the best of it is..the parents participate and feed the vindictive behavior. What is wrong with agreeing to disagree? This is why society has so many issues with our youth...No accountability and no sense of morals...It makes me very sad.

Once something has happened we need to let it go. Dwelling on things only breeds hate and anger. Is it necessary? Not in my opinion. Right or wrong it really does not matter. Everyone has to walk in their own shoes and live with their choices. Out of respect for one another, let it go.....We have..We haven't even given these issues a second thought until the threat was made. Again, very sad.

Friendships have been lost over silly behavior and a conflict of opinion. I cannot change that...I was told by my mother that we all only have three friends throughout our whole lives..the rest of the people that we meet, who claim to be friends are only acquaintances. My mother has always been right.

"Big Brother" is working hard at both jobs for right now...."Ya-Ya" has been on vacation since last week...I can't wait til its my turn!!!! I just want to take all of my "Little Ones" and go somewhere to just be together and hang out!!! "The Boy" and "Drama" have been securing the home front while we work..
Little Miss Responsible" has been helping bright and early at 5am over the last week or so and she can't wait for "Ya-Ya" to get back!!! "Shooter" was away on a cruise but is finally back and working multiple areas now!! We love it!

Well the story could go on or have more info but I would rather focus on the positives!! I will keep you posted!!! Have a great day and remember to always use less energy to smile then you do to frown!!! :)

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