Thursday, September 2, 2010

And So It Begins!

September 1st was here and gone along with a few walls! We finally have possession of our store and are ready to bang things out. We are awaiting our plans and permits so we can really make some changes. "Big Brother" and "The Soup King" worked hard on cleaning out trash and debris yesterday. Today was a low impact day.

Looks like we will be at Hulmeville Soccer next Saturday, the 11Th. Providing yummy stuff while everyone gets their photos done and plays a few games of soccer. Wraps, and two soups to pick from and of course there is always a little going back to the club from any profits made.

The next month should be a wild ride! Tomorrow we focus on menus and signs. It felt good to turn the existing signs around so the other business names are gone! Now, get our name up there and let people know what to expect!!!!! Check out our facebook and our new fan page!

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