Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is the Deal?

So "Big Brother" is still working on a location....staying in our own neighborhood would be great but may not necessarily be right. I keep looking on line, as I drive around...places that might be good are high in rent. I keep wondering how it is possible for the economy to turn around when the banks won't budge....I am sure that if we are patient I am sure that something will show up when its the right time.

"The Soup King" is still in Florida with "The Boy"....he will be in for the weekend. "Little Miss Responsible" has a father daughter dance on Friday. "The Little Ones" are very excited and can't wait for him to get here!! The permanent move back for him is scheduled for the end of March. "The Soup King" is not happy about it at all. I feel bad because I am so attached to my family. I keep thinking that when the "Little Ones" are grown a move like that will be easier. Siesta Key is beautiful but there was something missing for me....Maybe I need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

"Big Brother" and I are working on getting our name out and about even without a shop..We have a baby shower to take care of next month which is fun. Thanks to my "Zen" we have a hit for small finger foods, mini quiche....I miss her very much. The new baby should be here soon so maybe I will get to go back and visit and hold her new bundle of joy!!!! Anyway..for now I need to focus. Get a game plan together. This whole adventure would have been more entertaining if someone followed us around with a camera filming all of the drama!! Oh well it will make a great book some day.

Well stay posted..we are still working on a home for us..when we find won;t be able to miss us!!!!!

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