Wednesday, July 13, 2011

One Crazy Summer....

Cold soups have been limited so far...I know when will there be a larger variety? I need more people to stop in and try them then I can make more. Thursday, July 14th We will have Strawberry Soup! Everyone loves this one! We are operating under our new hours right now so everyone remember to call or check the door....Our website should be completed by next week!! It will have our menu up, our hours, some fun photos and contact information!

Of course we have our daily drama rockin' around the store amongst the teens....."Drama" is enjoying her enrichment program at her high school. "Wombat" and "Boo" have begun a little date thing or a something which has caused drama between "Wombat" and "Little Miss Responsible" I just do not understand....It has been crazy but I guess they will all learn the hard way of how to handle any type of relationship in their lives...I just hope they do not hurt each too much..."Little Miss Thing" has been handling the drama well since there were some feelings between "Boo" and her as well...Oh what tangled webs we weave!!!

Super Chevy weekend takes place this weekend at Maple Grove RaceWay...This will be "Little Miss Responsibility'" first time actually running "The Soup King's" camaro!! We are all very excited! Hopefully next year we can have a race car with the store logo!

Keep an eye open for new menus to reach you at home! We are doing a mailing for the there will be about 4 or five coupons in the menu!!! We are also going to be in the clipper with a great deal to by gift cards for the store...Just an FYI for everyone!! See everyone soon!

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