Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Time..Summer...Summer Time!!

It has been a while but we are back on track. "Drama" and "Boo" graduated this month so there was a bit of distraction for "Big Brother" and myself but we are focused again....Right now we have three specials..Italian 3 Bean Soup, Cream of Chicken and Rice, and Crab Soup. Stop in and enjoy! Don't forget about our $5.00 Lunch deal!!!

School is out and the "Little Ones" are restless already...looking for fun stuff to do..We have a lot going on this week. The health inspector was in last week and passed us without any issues what so ever, which is awesome!!! We also have 4 team members sitting for their Serv-Safe study!!! The test is hard but use your noggin!!!

"Crash" is back to work finally..we were missing him..."Little Miss Responsible" will be a lot this summer too... "Boo" and "Miss Thing" are away for Senior week but they will be back soon and ready to work! Now if I could just catch a small trip of my own I would feel complete!!!

The Strawberry Soup seems to have gone over the best so far with everyone. I am a little leery about making the others...cold soups scare people....They are odd and require a specific type of taste buds to enjoy...I just don't know!!! Well come on and visit!!!! See ya soon!!!

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