Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Paint and What else???

The walls are covered! FRP is almost complete the paint has one coat on the majority of the walls. We are shakin' our tail feathers now. The concrete counters were done on Monday and are looking good. We need to stain, seal, and buff them and they will be complete.

We still need to make a decision about coffee. This is so hard since the three of us do not drink coffee at all! We need more taste-testers! This needs to be decided on so we can start the coffee station. Very challenging, who knew? Other than the coffee issue we are pretty set in our choices for foods, wait! Bread...gotta call the bread guy...we need fresh baked bread everyday! Its the only way! to make another list of things to do for today...Stop in check us out...things look good and are moving along!! Goal is the to open the Monday after "Turkey Day"!

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