Sunday, February 28, 2010

"The Soup King" returned and is off again!

"The Soup King" was back for a dance which was canceled by the non-existant weather. Hopefully the rescheduled date will be when he is back for good. Yes, he is coming back this month. He will continue to bounce from here to Sarasota but at least I will get more time with him now. "The Little Ones" all enjoyed spending time with their daddy so at least the snow days were beneficial that way.

"Big Brother" is anxiuos to get into a location, as am I....I just don't want to create any repeat issues. I am ready for everyone to know us and what we just needs to be right on the money! All of the legal mumbo jumbo is making me crazy with signing a lease....there is always a loop hole for the bigger party to benefit from....its very frustrating....I am sure within the next two weeks we may have a location to release to everyone and an estimated date for an the mean time I am getting ready to venture back to the Sunshine state to collect the rest of my family! And of course visit my "ZEN"!!!!!!


William said...

what is up yo?

The Soup King said...

hey how is school? we are hanging in the snow which is almost completely melted!!! I will be back for a week..march 14th. how about you?we should get everyone together for some of your singing!!!! let me know!